
Difficult and Rough Going represent broken or soft ground, or ground choked with vegetation or other small obstacles.
Large obstacles such as individual trees or buildings could be represented by individual models.

Movement is more or less as in DBX though generally less regulated. A figure is regarded as in the terrain that most of its base covers.

1 tactical move requires 1 PIP, or 2 PIP if all of the figure / group to be moved is over 24 from its Officer (unless using telegraph / radio / Psi / Magic), or is both over 12 from it and also out of sight, or if the Officer has been lost.
Where permissible, PIPs may be transfered, on a 2:1 ratio, between different friendly commands.

A move by a single figure can include any number of wheels or turns and move upto the maximum distance in the worst terrain it passes through.
It can be used to break off from enemy in contact with its front, but only if this would have a lesser maximum move in the terrain it ends in.
A figure cannot break off from enemy in contact with its flank or rear, but turns to face.

A figure cannot move into contact with enemy flank or rear unless it starts entirely on that side of an imaginary line prolonging that base edge of the enemy figure (it can manoeuvre to block Recoil).

No figure can move across the front of an enemy figure which is within 6 and not separated from it by an intervening element, except to contact or face that figure’s front, to break off, to move directly to its rear, or as an outcome move. This Zone of Control (ZoC) extends to ~ 45° on either side of directly in front, but does not extend through impassable terrain.
A figure that has exited a ZoC cannot engage or block the Recoil of another figure (except as an outcome move, etc.).

Large (double width) figures (guns / vehicles) cannot enter or move in Difficult or Rough Going, except as single figures.

Each figure moving as part of a group must move parallel to, or follow, the first of them that moves, and must move the same distance or wheel through the same angle.

A group move across Difficult Going or a River, or away from enemy to its front, or in poor visibility must be in a 1 figure wide column.
A group move can include reducing frontage where necessary to form such a column or to pass a gap, or following a road, but not other reductions or increases in frontage, or turning in place.

A group consisting entirely of Irregulars, GIs, Snipers or any vehicle which can reverse, can include 2 x 180° turns.

Heavies cannot move into contact with enemy troops or fortifications.

1 PIP can also be used to embark / disembark each figure from a vehicle, deploy a subunit, etc.

Default behaviour is typically 'stand still'. Military training could specify otherwise, for example 'Individuals (not members of a group) swivel to face nearest (known) enemy', and/or 'Individuals move (not exceeding 1) towards nearest cover from nearest enemy', etc. Civilians generally move as fast as possible from perceived danger, in this case exceeding 1. Moving vehicles and horses generally continue at the same speed and direction.


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